Selected Publications

ResearchGate Harry Jay Cavite
Google Scholar Harry Jay Cavite

  • Millennial Consumers' Intention to Purchase Organic Food: Do Environmental Concerns Matter?
    • About the article: 
      • This research explores how psychographic factors shape Millennials’ buying decisions, and how environmental concerns can amplify the influence. The findings offer key takeaways for businesses looking to align sustainability strategies with evolving consumer preferences. 
    • Link to article: Millennials' Organic Food Purchase Intention
    • Cite this article: 
      • Cavite, H.J.M. (2025), “Millennial Consumers' Intention to Purchase Organic Food: Do Environmental Concerns Matter?”, Business Strategy and the Environment (Online first article). doi: (Q1*)
  • Towards Agri-food Industry Sustainability: Addressing Agricultural Technology Adoption Challenges Through Innovation
    • About the article: 
      • This study explores challenges and solutions in the adoption of agricultural technology in Thailand, emphasising its positive impact on agri-food sector sustainability. We developed a conceptual framework based on technology adoption literature review. 
    • Link to article: Agricultural Technology Adoption Challenges
    • Cite this article: 
      • Limpamont, A., Kittipanya-ngam, P., Chindasombatcharoen, N. and Cavite, H.J.M. (2024), “Towards Agri-food Industry Sustainability: Addressing Agricultural Technology Adoption Challenges Through Innovation”, Business Strategy and the Environment, Vol., 33 No. 7, pp. 7352-7367, doi: (Q1*)
  • Production Performance and Adoption Opinion Toward Wet and Dry Farming of GAP and Non-GAP Farmers in Suburban Bangkok, Thailand
    • About the article: 
      • Recognizing the significance of alternate wetting and drying technology in sustainable agriculture, this study aims to promote the adoption of this technology among both Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and non-GAP farmers in Suburban, Bangkok, Thailand. 
    • Link to article: Production Performance and Adoption Opinion
    • Cite this article:
      • Suwanmaneepong, S., Kultawanich, K., Khurnpoon, L., Sabaijai, P.E., Kerdsriserm, C. and Cavite, H.J.M. (2023), “Production Performance and Adoption Opinion Toward Wet and Dry Farming of GAP and Non-GAP Farmers in Suburban Bangkok, Thailand”, Agricultural Research, Vol., pp.  doi: (Q2)
      • SCImago Journal & Country Rank
  • Alternate Wetting and Drying as Water-Saving Technology: An Adoption Intention in the Perspective of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Suburban Rice Farmers in Thailand
    • About the article: 
      • Using the case of rice GAP farmers in Thailand, the study found a higher probability of adoption intention among GAP compared to non-GAP. AWD perceived advantage, knowledge, and the suitability of rice farms for AWD adoption trials are positively associated with higher adoption intention.
    • Link to article: Alternate wetting and drying adoption
    • Cite this article:
      • Suwanmaneepong, S., Kultawanich, K., Khurnpoon, L., Sabaijai, P.E., Cavite, H.J., Llones, C., Lepcha, N. and Kerdsriserm, C. (2023), “Alternate Wetting and Drying as Water-Saving Technology: An Adoption Intention in the Perspective of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Suburban Rice Farmers in Thailand”, Water, Vol. 15 No. 3, pp. 402, doi: (Q1)
      • SCImago Journal & Country Rank
  • Farmers’ perception of consumer information and adoption intention towards organic rice farming: Evidence from community enterprise in rural Thailand
    • About the article: 
      • This study attempts to explain rice farmers’ adoption intention towards organic rice farming, drawing insights from the diffusion of innovations theory, and incorporating consumer information as an important alternative information source. 
    • Link to article: Adoption intention for organic rice farming
    • Cite this article:
      • Cavite, H. J., Kerdsriserm, C., Llones, C., Direksri, N., & Suwanmaneepong, S. (2022). Farmers’ perception of consumer information and adoption intention towards organic rice farming: Evidence from community enterprise in rural Thailand. Outlook on Agriculture, ahead-of-print.
      • SCImago Journal & Country Rank
  • Do behavioral and socio-demographic factors determine consumers’ purchase intention towards traceable organic rice? Evidence from Thailand 
    • About the article:
      • Grounded on the theory of planned behavior (TPB), this research investigates consumers’ purchase intention for traceable organic rice.
    • Link to article: Traceable organic rice
    • Cite this article:
      • Cavite, H. J., Mankeb, P., Kerdsriserm, C., Joedsak, A., Direksri, N., & Suwanmaneepong, S. (2022). Do behavioral and socio-demographic factors determine consumers’ purchase intention towards traceable organic rice? Evidence from Thailand. Organic Agriculture, 12(1): 243–258.
      • SCImago Journal & Country Rank
  • Supply chain structure and constraints of a rice production community enterprise: Evidence from rural Thailand
    • About the article:
      • In rice production, the concept of supply chain has been explored in several studies across Thailand. However, its current supply chain structure has not been updated to keep up with the emerging constraints in production and marketing, particularly at the level of community enterprises. This study investigated the supply chain structure and constraints of Ban Nong Saeng community enterprise in Chachoengsao province, Thailand. 
    • Link to article: Supply chain structure and constraints
    • Cite this article:
      • Cavite, H. J. M., & Suwanmaneepong, S. (2022). Supply chain structure and constraints of a rice production community enterprise: Evidence from rural Thailand. International Journal of Agricultural Technology, 18(3): 951-964. 
      • SCImago Journal & Country Rank
  • Strategic guidelines for community enterprise development: a case in rural Thailand
    • About the article:
      • Published in Emerald Insight, this study aims to assess a rice production community enterprise (RPCE) through an in-depth investigation of its problems and capabilities; and formulate internal strategic guidelines for enterprise development. This study used a qualitative approach through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. This is my second PhD paper.
    • Link to article: Community enterprise development
    • Cite this article:
      • Cavite, H. J. M., Kerdsriserm, C., & Suwanmaneepong, S. (2021). Strategic guidelines for community enterprise development: a case in rural Thailand. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, ahead-of-print: 1-20.
      • SCImago Journal & Country Rank
  • Community enterprise consumers’ intention to purchase organic rice in Thailand: the moderating role of product traceability knowledge
    • About the article:
      • Published in Emerald Insight, this study aims to examine consumers' purchase intention towards organic rice, using traceability information, and to investigate the direct and moderating roles of product traceability knowledge, using the theory of planned behaviour. This is my first PhD paper.
    • Link to article: Product traceability in organic rice
    • Cite this article:
      • Cavite, H. J., Mankeb, P., & Suwanmaneepong, S. (2022). Community enterprise consumers’ intention to purchase organic rice in Thailand: The moderating role of product traceability knowledge. British Food Journal, 124(4): 1124-1148.
      • SCImago Journal & Country Rank
  • Biochemical characteristics and inoculation effects of multi-trait plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria on upland rice (Oryza sativa L. cv PSB Rc23) seedling growth
    • About the article:
      • Published in Springer Nature, this study investigated the biochemical characteristics and effectiveness of multi-trait PGPR isolates in enhancing upland rice seedling growth and vigor. This study suggests that rhizobacterial isolates from upland rice may have commercial significance to improve seedling growth and vigor. 
    • Link to article: PGPR in upland rice
    • Cite this article:
      • Cavite, H. J. M., Mactal, A. G., Evangelista, E. V., & Cruz, J. A. (2021). Biochemical characteristics and inoculation effects of multi-trait plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria on upland rice (Oryza sativa L. cv PSB Rc23) seedling growth. Archives of Microbiology, 203(6): 3533-3540.
      • SCImago Journal & Country Rank


  • Growth and Yield Response of Upland Rice to Application of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria
    • About the article: 
      • Published in Springer Nature, this research evaluated the effects of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) in enhancing upland rice growth in screenhouse conditions. This contributes to the growing body of knowledge on the role and importance of PGPR in sustainable rice production. This article is part of my Master's Thesis at Central Luzon State University, Philippines.
    • Link to article: Growth and yield response of upland rice
    • Cite this article:
      • Cavite, H. J. M., Mactal, A. G., Evangelista, E. V., & Cruz, J. A. (2021). Growth and yield response of upland rice to application of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 40(2): 494–508.
      • SCImago Journal & Country Rank
  • Cost and return analysis of organic and conventional rice production in Chachoengsao Province, Thailand
    • About the article:
      • This article investigated the cost and return structures of rice cultivation in organic and conventional farming systems in Chachoengsao province, Thailand. Organic farming was found to be more profitable and this research indicates the importance of price differences across market segments within the distribution channel.
    • Link to article: Cost and return of organic and conventional rice
    • Cite this article: 
      • Suwanmaneepong, S., Kerdsriserm, C., Lepcha, N., Cavite, H.J., and Llones, C. Cost and return analysis of organic and conventional rice production in Chachoengsao Province, Thailand. Org. Agr.10, 369–378 (2020). 
      • SCImago Journal & Country Rank


  • Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria from upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) rhizosphere and their tricalcium phosphate solubilizing abilities
    • About the article:
      • This study isolated, screened, and evaluated rhizobacteria from upland rice and tested their phosphate solubilization activity. Results found out that isolates can be efficient biofertilizer candidates for improving P nutrition of the crop. This can be a promising contribution to the upland rice cropping system which is constrained by drought and inefficient P acquisition. 
    • Link to article: Phosphate solubilizing bacteria from upland rice
    • Cite this article:
      • Cavite, H. J. M., Mactal, A. G. M., Cruz, J. A. and Khermkhan, J. (2018). Phosphate- solubilizing bacteria from upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) rhizosphere and their tricalcium phosphate solubilizing abilities. International Journal of Agricultural Technology 14(7): 1089-1096
      • SCImago Journal & Country Rank


  • Profitability Analysis of Banana (Musa balbisiana) Industry in Bato, Leyte, Philippines: A Value Chain Approach
    • About this article:
      • This study aimed to look for effective pathways and linkages for upgrading and transforming the banana industry, in Bato, Leyte, Philippines into a highly competitive and profitable system for the banana farmers. Examination of the value-creating flow of the industry was done from the input supply sector, production, trading until the finished goods are delivered to the end consumers. Policy recommendations were put forward.
    • Link to article: Value chain analysis of banana
    • Cite this article:
      • Cavite, H.J.M. and Abamo, A. (2017). Profitability Analysis of Banana (Musa balbisiana) Industry in Bato, Leyte, Philippines: A Value Chain Approach. International Journal of Agricultural Technology 13(7.2): 1889-1904
      • SCImago Journal & Country Rank


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